
Small Showcases

P2P Chat

The example logs messages that are sent and received by each participant as a composition of the data flow from the local UI and from remote chat partners. In the application, nodes are connected to multiple remote nodes and maintain a one-to-one chat with each. Users can select any chat to send messages. The messageSent event is defined as subjective value filtering the ui.​messageTyped messages from the UI for the currently active chat partner node. The messageLog signal contains the chat log for the chat between the local peer instance and the remote node given as parameter. It merges the remote stream for the chat messages from the remote instance node and the local stream subjective to the remote instance node via the || operator. The chat log is a signal created using list, which extends the list by an element for each new event occurrence in the merged stream. The chatLogs signal folds the remote[Node].​joined event stream, which is fired for each newly connected chat partner, into a signal that contains the chat logs for every chat partner generated by calling messageLog.

@multitier object Chat {
  trait Node extends Peer { type Tie <: Multiple[Node] }

  val ui = placed[Node] { UI() }

  val messageSent = placed[Node].sbj { node: Remote[Node] =>
    ui.messageTyped filter { msg => ui.isSelectedChat(node) } }

  def messageLog(node: Remote[Node]) = placed[Node] {
    ((messageSent from node).asLocal || (messageSent to node)).list }

  val chatLogs = placed[Node] {
    remote[Node].joined.fold(List.empty[Signal[List[String]]]) {
      case (chats, node) => messageLog(node) :: chats } }


The example shows how the operators in a processing pipeline can be placed on different peers to count the tweets that each author produces in a tweet stream. The application receives a stream of tweets on the Input peer, selects those containing the "multitier" string on the Filter peer, extracts the author for each tweet on the Mapper peer, and stores a signal with a map counting the tweets from each author on the Folder peer.

@multitier object TweetAuthoring {
  trait Input extends Peer { type Tie <: Single[Filter] }
  trait Filter extends Peer { type Tie <: Single[Mapper] with Single[Input] }
  trait Mapper extends Peer { type Tie <: Single[Folder] with Single[Filter] } 
  trait Folder extends Peer { type Tie <: Single[Mapper] }

  val tweetStream: Event[Tweet] on Input = placed { retrieveTweetStream() }

  val filtered: Event[Tweet] on Filter = placed {
    tweetStream.asLocal filter { tweet => tweet.hasHashtag("multitier") } }

  val mapped: Event[Author] on Mapper = placed {
    filtered.asLocal map { tweet => } }

  val folded: Signal[Map[Author, Int]] on Folder = placed {
    mapped.asLocal.fold(Map.empty[Author, Int].withDefaultValue(0)) {
      (map, author) => map.updated(map(author) + 1) } }

E-Mail Application

The example shows a client–server e-mail application. The server stores a list of e-mails. The client can request the e-mails received in the n previous days containing a given word. The client user interface displays the e-mails broken into several pages. If the word is not in the current page, the user is informed. The definition of word of type Signal[String]onClient defines a signal carrying strings placed on the Client peer. Thanks to multitier reactives, the client-side signal inCurrentPage is defined by the composition of the local client-side signal word and the remote server-side signal filteredEmails. The latter is defined as a composition of a local signal and two remote signals.

@multitier object MailApp {
  trait Server extends Peer { type Tie <: Single[Client] }
  trait Client extends Peer { type Tie <: Single[Server] }

  val word: Signal[String] on Client = placed { /* GUI input */ }
  val days: Signal[Int] on Client = placed { /* GUI input */ }

  val allEmails: Signal[List[Email]] localOn Server = placed {
    /* e-mail collection */ }

  val filteredEmails: Signal[List[Email]] on Server = placed {
    Signal {
      allEmails() filter { email =>
        ( < - days.asLocal()) &&
        (email.text contains word.asLocal()) } } }

  val inCurrentPage: Boolean localOn Client = placed {
    Signal { isCurrentFirstPage(word(), filteredEmails.asLocal()) }


The example shows a ScalaLoci implementation of the master–worker pattern where a master node dispatches tasks – double a number, for simplicity – to workers. The taskStream on the master carries the tasks as events. The assocs signal contains the assignments of workers to tasks. It folds over the taskStream||taskResult.​asLocalFromAllSeq event stream that fires for every new task (taskStream) and every completed task (taskResult.​asLocalFromAllSeq). The assignTasks method assigns a worker to the new task (taskAssocs), or enqueues the task if no worker is free (taskQueue) based on the folded event (taskChanged) and the currently connected worker instances (remote[Worker].​connected). The deployTask event subjectively provides every worker instance with the task it is assigned. Workers provide the result in the taskResult event stream which the master aggregates into the result signal. The signal is updated for every event to contain the sum of all values carried by the events.

@multitier object MasterWorker {
  trait Master extends Peer { type Tie <: Multiple[Worker] }
  trait Worker extends Peer { type Tie <: Single[Master] }

  class Task(v: Int) { def exec: Int = 2 * v }

  val taskStream: Event[Task] localOn Master = Event[Task]
    // to add tasks: ``

  val assocs: Signal[Map[Remote[Worker], Task]] localOn Master = placed {
    (taskStream || taskResult.asLocalFromAllSeq)
      .fold(Map.empty[Remote[Worker], Task], List.empty[Task])
       { (taskAssocs, taskQueue, taskChanged) =>
         assignTasks(taskAssocs, taskQueue, taskChanged, remote[Worker].connected) } }

  val deployTask = placed[Master].sbj { worker: Remote[Worker] =>           // Event[Task]
    Signal{ assocs().get(worker) }.changed }
  val taskResult = placed[Worker] {                                         // Event[Int]
    deployTask.asLocal collect { case Some(task) => task.exec } }
  val result = placed[Master] {                                             // Signal[Int]
    taskResult.asLocalFromAllSeq.fold(0){ case (acc, (worker, result)) => acc + result } }